What could be more festive than red, white and blue for Independence Day? Not only does this color scheme scream Americana but it's also such a fun color combo for the summertime, especially when you throw in a pop of yellow. Philadelphia's 4th of July celebrations are never ending and there were so many options of what to do all weekend up until the end of the day today. This weekend was particularly hot and humid so we spent most of the weekend by the water. I wore this festive look on Saturday when we spent the morning by the pier and then the afternoon at brunch. And of course, there were a few firework shows that I couldn't miss! Today we had a cookout at Valley Forge Historical Park (how fitting for America's birthday!) with a few friends and then went hiking along the Schuylkill river. Such a perfect day!

Loooving your top! Happy 4th of July :) -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's