Travel Log: London Part 3

Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess
It still seems like a dream whenever I think about spring break last year. Spending time in London, Paris and Amsterdam with Derek was incredible, and it makes me excited for future travels. But in the meantime, I'll continue to look back fondly on these memories. One of my favorite days during the break was the day that Derek and I made our way through London, going to a few different landmarks around the city. It was fun to show Derek a few of my favorite places like Kensington Gardens and  St. James Park and to show him the places we've always heard about like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace (we managed to catch the guards changing!). It was surreal to see all of these incredible places together. Above, we hung out in Kensington Gardens/Hyde Park in the morning. Derek bought ice cream despite the fact that it was freezing and we just chilled by the pond for a little bit and walked around the park.
  Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized MessTravel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess
Later, we made our way to Buckingham Palace and St. James Park. We were blessed with a sunny and clear sky as we made our way around the city. Stopping for hot chocolates/coffee/tea a few different times. We also ended up making our way into a pub where we got ciders and fish and chips. Can you tell I was trying to give Derek and English experience? Ha. Later that night we went to see the London Eye, St. Paul's and Big Ben. I would call that a fairly successful sight-seeing filled day. You can also read Part 1 about London HERE and Part 2 HERE.
  Travel Log: London Part 3 | Organized MessTravel Log: London Part 3 | Organized Mess
The travel log is a series of posts about my four month stay in London, England early last year. I was studying abroad from January - April 2015 and got the opportunity to travel around the city of London, the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe. This is my way to look back on those incredible months that flew by way too quickly.