Come Back...Be Here

And this is when the feeling sinks in, I don't wanna miss you like this. Come here.

Being in a long distance relationship is so hard sometimes but everytime Derek gets to stay with me for a weekend in Philadelphia I'm reminded of what we're fighting for. Derek's still living in our hometown of York while he finishes up school while I make my permanent stay in Philadelphia. Last year, during my freshman year, it was a lot easier because I was living in the dorms so I went home for all of my breaks, including the three months of summer. But this time it's different. I won't be packing my bags for York in the summer, I'll be staying in Philadelphia, working full time inbetween semesters. We have a rocky road ahead of us, but we love each other enough to get through this together. I look back on my posts on here from high school and I'm amazed by how much has changed, and how much mine and Derek's relationship has matured during the last year and a half. 

I look forward to many more weekends together, and we will even get to be together for a week in my hometown for Thanksgiving break! I just can't wait for the day that he's here, with me in Philadelphia and we can start building our lives together in the same city. 

The weekend he was here we enjoyed walking around the city despite the cold, making dinner together, milkshakes at the Shake Shack, ice cream (of course), and a fancy dinner. Oh, and of course hanging around the house playing with the cat, and watching plenty of "The Office".